Examine our four step process to achieve best safety practices and reduce costs!!

Step #1. We analyse existing data regarding work practices, injuries, accidents, OSHA inspections and citations. We then perform as detailed evaluation of your currentSafety policies and procedures.

Step #2. Using the information from Step 1, we design a new comprehensive safety program to deal with the type of work you perform and any issues we find.

Step #3. We then set up a training schedule that takes into account the NEW safety program - and we do it without interfering with current work schedules.

Step #4, We conduct regular (at least weekly) safety audits to determine the level of compliance with the new program. During those audits we instruct employees about any deviations from procedure.

All Site Audits are sent electronically to all managers immediately for their review.. The audits will include detailed inspection observations including pictures and corrections made. These PDF reports could then easily become part of the relevant job files for future references or to provide to OSHA in the event of any issues.